Young People



Please Register your details here, payment will be processed at the end of the form, if you have a states funded space, or need to pay by alternative methods, please email

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If you have already registered and are part way though booking your Playscheme dates login to continue where you left off.

Once you have logged in you will find the links to complete and edit your Children's Details Playscheme Signup Form.

To book any dates you would like your child to attend Playscheme go to the Book Playscheme Dates page.

To view the dates you have booked visit View Playscheme Dates Booked

Playscheme Information

To ensure everyone is safe and that the children enjoy their time at Playscheme, we expect everyone attending to arrive on time, come prepared for the activities, be open to trying new experiences and give things a go, accept responsibility for their own actions and have respect for themselves, others and equipment.

Beginning and end of the day - We are now running Playscheme at Le Murier School. - Doors will open at 8:45am. When you arrive you will be asked to sign your child in and tell us who will be collecting them at the end of their day. - On collection; doors will open at 3:10pm and again, you will be asked to sign your child out of Playscheme. Please do not come before 3:10pm unless you have given prior notice to a member of staff.

Morning and Afternoon Bookings - If your child is booked in for the morning only; please collect your child at 12pm. If your child is in for just the afternoon, please feed them before they arrive. The drop off time is 12:30 – 3:15pm. - If your child is late or absent, please email

Cancellations - We regret that we will not be able to refund any bookings that are cancelled.

Trips and car seats - On occasions where your child is going to go on a trip, we will aim to give prior warning the day before, asking you to bring your child’s car seat – please have your child’s name clearly visible on the seat.

What to bring - Please send your child to Playscheme with a carseat. Water bottle, lunch and hat or coat. Please ensure they have sunscream as per school guidelines.

Snacks/ Lunches - A healthy (nut-free) packed lunch must be provided from home if your child is staying for lunch time. No chewing gum, glass bottles or fizzy drinks are permitted at Playscheme. If these items are found in children’s packed lunches they will be removed and returned at time of collection. - A named bottle of water must be provided by parents/carers. Snacks are kindly supplied by the Health Improvement Commission.

Please do not send your child to Playscheme with any form of technology that includes a mobile phone.

Lost Property - Please ensure that all belongings, including clothing, are clearly labelled. - Any lost property will be kept for 2 weeks after Playscheme and then it will be donated to charity. - Please do not send your child in with any personal belongings that might cause upset if lost, Playscheme is a very busy place and things do sometimes go missing or get broken and we cannot take responsibility for personal items.

If your child might need spare clothes during the day, please pack these and make a staff member aware.


We will support and encourage children to make positive choices. Children who behave appropriately will be positively rewarded with praise.

Be assured that we will do our best to make Playscheme an enjoyable time for your child. In order to provide your child with this opportunity, it is important that these rules are followed at all times;

- Respect others and be kind
- Violence will not be tolerated
- Do not leave the group without asking a leader
- If a leader puts their hand up, stop and listen
- Tell a leader if you see something that isn’t right

To ensure that all participants consider the impact of their behaviour on the safety, wellbeing and enjoyment of others attending Playscheme, we follow a warning system. 1st incident verbal warning 2nd incident 2nd verbal warning and the child will be told we will inform parents/carers. If the unwanted behaviour continues 3rd incident 3rd verbal warning and a call to parents/carers to inform them that their child is on their 3rd warning 4th incident parents/carers will be called and asked to come and collect their child from Playscheme. (Dangerous or destructive behaviour will result in the parents/carers being called immediately. We reserve the right to exclude a child if we deem there has been no significant change of behaviour over a period of time or we consider the issue to be serious).

If your child needs to take medication whilst in our care, you should have filled in a ‘Instruction of Administration of Medicine’ form at the time of booking. To ask for this form please email All medication must be given to the Playscheme Leader at entrance. Children are not permitted to carry medication in their possession. If your child is feeling unwell, they should not attend until they are feeling better and symptom free.

If your child has vomited or has had diarrhea they must not attend Playscheme for 2 days after their symptoms have gone. Refunds will not be given, but alternative Playscheme dates will be offered.

At the Youth Commission we have a fundamental responsibility to ensure that in every aspect of our work, children are protected and kept safe from harm. If we are concerned about your child’s safety we will ask you to come in for a meeting to look at next steps, in accordance with our Safeguarding Policy.

YC Holiday PlayschemeYC Holiday PlayschemeYC Holiday PlayschemeYC Holiday Playscheme

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